Vehicle & Traffic
In New York, racking up points on your license can lead to license suspensions and to additional annual fines known as driver responsibility assessments. If you are convicted of traffic offenses totaling six points or more in an 18 month period, you’ll be assessed additional fines. If you accrue 11 points or more in 18 months, you face license suspension. Categories of traffic tickets resulting in points include:
Reckless driving — A conviction of reckless driving places five points on your license. Other similar offenses like driving left of center in the wrong direction or leaving the scene of an accident causing property damage result in assessments of three points.
Careless driving — Common offenses such as tailgating and failure to properly maintain brakes carry four-point penalties. Even failure to stop at a stop sign or improperly yielding the right of way can result in three points.
Cell phone violations — Improper use of a cell phone or other electronic device, whether it’s for texting, calling or any other purpose, will result in five points.
In addition to legal penalties, accumulating points on your license affects your insurance premiums and may even lead your carrier to drop you as a high-risk insured.
If you accumulate 11 points for traffic convictions in an 18-month period, the New York Department of Motor Vehicles may suspend or revoke your license. (The 18 months count from day of violation, how long you push it off, until you are convicted makes no difference.) A new law under the State of NYS Driver Improvement (of dmv) now keeps traffic convictions on your record for up to 25 years, to see if you are a safe driver. This law in already in affect, and is retroactive.
How many points does one get for a traffic ticket in New York? It depends on what the ticket is for.
1-10 MPH over posted limit: 3 points
11-20 MPH over posted limit: 4 points
21-30 MPH over posted limit: 6 points
31-40 MPH over posted limit: 8 points
more than 40 MPH over: 11 points
Other Traffic Offenses
Failing to stop for a school bus: 5 points
Reckless driving: 5 points (Warning, this is a criminal charge/misdemeanor)
Talking on a cell phone, use of a handheld mobile device or texting): 5 points
Following too closely (tailgating): 4 points
Inadequate brakes: 4 points
Failing to yield right-of-way: 3 points
Violation involving a traffic signal, red light, stop sign, or yield sign: 3 points
Improper passing, unsafe lane change, : 3 points
Driving left of center, or driving wrong direction : 3 points
Leaving the scene of an incident involving property damage or injury to a domestic animal: 3 points
Safety restraint violation involving a person under 16: 3 points
Most other moving violation: 2 points